Lukoil event

Customer — private educational institution of additional education in Ufa — training center "Bashneftekhim".


To urgently create a web application for testing and training the management of PJSC Lukoil.

Briefly about the results

All work was done in 7 days:

  • We prepared 19 layouts with Lukoil's corporate identity;
  • We created 5 workplaces for the administrator, participant, teacher (presenter), and the main screen with general statistics;

You can read on the website of the training center about the result

Full overview

Participant authorization

Based on the experience and on the conduct of this training, we proposed a simplified authorization option. There is one input field on the start screen — you just need to enter the last name. The system searches for matches and inserts the required "Full Name". At the same time, it makes sure that only one participant is logged in under one account.

The first stage

A minimum of time was spent on the development of the stage. It took place in the form of testing — participants answered questions in a limited time. The stage ended when the participant gave answers to all questions or the time ran out. We added a progress line to each block of questions, for the participant to see how many questions and in which block remained unanswered. After sending the results for verification, the participant immediately sees the test results.

The second stage

It was required to check the participants' knowledge of the accident elimination plan. We placed the problem condition in a pop-up form — this allowed us to keep it close, but not take up space on the screen.

In the first part, the participants determined the order of the stages of the accident elimination plan by moving the names of the stages to blocks with numbers. The order selected by the participants was displayed next to them.

After completing the first part, the participant was shown the intermediate result of the second stage.

In the second part, the participants identified the actions to be performed at each stage of the emergency response plan.

After choosing a list of actions, the participant completed the passing of the module, reviewed his mistakes, discussed them, and moved on to the next module.

Working panel of the Administrator

Through the panel, the administrator filled out directories, added participants and questions for both stages.

During the development of the admin panel, it was necessary to solve the following problem: at the testing stage, each participant had to answer questions about his plan for eliminating the accident, but there were also general mandatory questions that all participants had to know.

To solve this problem, we created an emergency plan template that included general questions. For each participant, a new plan was created based on the template and it was possible to add special questions on the emergency plan.

AWP of the teacher

During the meeting, the instructor must manage the testing and learning process, so the following features were added:

For the first stage:

  • Provide participants with access to the stage;
  • Track the number of participants who completed testing;
  • View summary statistics on topics, emergency response plans or questions. For example immediately after the participant marked the answer in the test.

For each answer option, the number of participants who chose this answer was shown. In order for the teacher to discuss the questions that caused difficulties, the list of questions was sorted by the number of incorrect answers.

For the second stage:

  • Give participants access to the stage;
  • Track the number of participants ready to move on to the next module;
  • View summary statistics after the participant submits the results of the module.

For each action, the number of participants who noted this action was shown. Basing on the statistics obtained, the teacher could discuss with the participants the correct set of actions, actions that should not be performed or required, and talk about the consequences of the error.


During the development process, new requirements and clarifications from customers constantly appeared, it was not possible to draw up a clear description of the functionality for each user until the last moment. Despite all the difficulties, the development was completed on time.

Our work made it possible to hold a meeting

  • Organized — the teacher controlled the screens of all participants, which allowed for a discussion and at the same time move on to the next stages;
  • Dynamic — summary statistics on the Home screen were updated immediately after participants sent their responses;
  • Informative — each participant was able to test his knowledge of mandatory issues and the emergency response plan, for which he is responsible;
  • Confident — the local version was deployed and the server was configured in case of a disconnection to the Internet, which would allow not to interrupt training.

You can read on the website of the training center about the result